
July 27, 2010

Illinois Wilds Institute for Nature Dragonfly Blitz

"They're the greatest mathematicians. They can estimate the length of your net and add 18 inches." Richard Day

Thirty-two participants will spend three days in east-central Illinois trying to see as many species of dragonflies as possible.

Our first day, it was 90F and 75% humidity. At Ballard Nature Center in Altamont IL, we found 15 species of dragonfly:

Green Darner
Eastern Pondhawk
Slaty Skimmer
Twelve-spot Skimmer
Black Saddlebag
Carolina Saddlebag
Red Saddlebag
Halloween Pennant
Calico Pennant
Widow Skimmer
Eastern Amberwing
Spot-wing Glider
Blue Dasher
Spangled Skimmer

Tonight we blacklight for insects!

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